Welcome to The Lombok Guide
Lombok's complete tourism paper and your guide to the best that the island has to offer.
The Lombok Guide is published on Every fortnight and contains valuable information for
all visitors to our magical island. Use the Guide to explore Lombok and check out the
best hotels, restaurants and sight seeing options, to make your Lombok holiday special.
Once a year, Lombok holds a very special festival to showcase the island's diverse and
fascinating cultural traditions. The Sengigi Festival start on 19 July and is a week long
event filled with exiting exhibitions by talented musicians, dancers and traditional
performers from around Lombok and Sumbawa. Join the crowd in the Sengigi Square and enjoy
free performances every day. As we start the high season in Lombok, the weather is perfect
with warm sunny days, fresh sea breezes and cool nights. If you are in Bali, escape the
crowds and the heat with the gateway to Lombok. Spend the days dreaming by the pool or
stak out a patch on your own private beach. If you're looking for a challenge, now is the
best time to climb lombok's famous volcano, Mt Rinjani, or maybe learn to scuba dive on
one of the idyllic Gilis. Action and adventure, culture and tradition, rest and relaxation...
Lombok has at all!
With issue 16 of The Lombok Guide, our paper has grown to a massive 52 pages! To coincide
with our growth, we have also increased our print run from 1000 copies to 1500 copies every
two weeks...so many people are reading our paper, we couldn't keep up with supplies! Now
you can ppick up a copy of your favourite tourism guide at all important locations throughout
Lombok, as well as at Merpati check in counters in Bali, Dili and Kuala Lumpur, or on board
Gili Cat, or at selected locations around Bali.
Visit us on the web soon In Here!
and discover the magic of Lombok for yourself...like thousands of others, you'll be enhanted!
Festival of Colour and Sound
Every year the island of Lombok hosts an amazing cultural event known as the "Sengigi Festival",
although it could be named the "Lombok Festival", as rge Festival showcases the best of arts
and culture to be found on this fascinating island. This year the Festival will start at 3pm
on Saturday, 19 July, and will run for a full week with an art market daily and special cultural
performances held every evening. This is the one week in the year when you don't need to travel
to the various villages to see the best of the island's cuture; the culture come to you!
The event starts off with a formal opening ceremony held in the heart of Lombok's tourism center
of Senggigi, attended by government dignitaies and special guestt from around Indonesia. The
opening ceremony is perhaps the most exciting part of the Festival, with thousands of spectators
lining the main street of Indonesian melodies to the roucous Arabian-inspired tones of Kecimol,
the Festival has it all.
Historical re-enactments and dance theatre play a large part in the cultural reportoire of Lombok.
The parade of the legendary Princess Mandalika always draws admiring gasps from the crowd as the
beautiful maiden is carried on her chariot by elegantly dressed "princes". There will also be
solemn rituals drawing in the mystical traditions of ancient times. Intricate ceremony, ritual
tools and clouds of perfumed incense give a sense of the spiritual mysteries that from part of
the foundation of Lombok and the unique Wektu Telu religion.
The historical memory of Dutch colonisation is also re-enacted in various forms, particularly with
the amusing Rudat preformances. The soldiers in their army greens preform a hilarious pantomime,
deceptive in style, as their military precision in obviously the result of years of hard training.
The Festival this year will also feature preformances by special gueasts from East Java and Aceh
Province. Evening preformances in Senggigi Square will be presented by groups from Sumbawa and Bima,
as well as different provinces around Lombok.
The performances of the local tradition of "Peresean" (Stick figthing) provide exciting entertainment,
both during the parade and at their regular performances every afternoon at Senggigi Square during
Festival Week. In this unique competition, two muscled competitors pit their strength and wits againts
each other, using heavy sticks to strike at each other's bodies, using sheilds made from thoughened
cow hide to prevent the other from striking a blow. Contestants train for years to hone their skills,
often returning from fights with bruised bodies covered in red welts. It's genuine fight, accompanied
by much anthusiastic encouragement from the crowd. A referee is on hand to make sure things are kept
fair and don't get out of hand.
In addition to Peresean fights every afternoon, the Festival features different cultural preformances
each night, to be held in the Senggigi square between 8pm and 10pm. These performances are free to
the public. The performances will feature displays of traditional dance, music and theatre.
If you are interested in authentic cultural events, unlike any held in the other parts of Indonesia,
plan to in Senggigi from 19 July. The Senggigi festival is a wonderful display of the rich cultural
diversity of Lombok, with the unique blending of Balinese Hindu and local Lombok Sasak traditions
that make this island so fascinating.
Lombok's complete tourism paper and your guide to the best that the island has to offer.
The Lombok Guide is published on Every fortnight and contains valuable information for
all visitors to our magical island. Use the Guide to explore Lombok and check out the
best hotels, restaurants and sight seeing options, to make your Lombok holiday special.
Once a year, Lombok holds a very special festival to showcase the island's diverse and
fascinating cultural traditions. The Sengigi Festival start on 19 July and is a week long
event filled with exiting exhibitions by talented musicians, dancers and traditional
performers from around Lombok and Sumbawa. Join the crowd in the Sengigi Square and enjoy
free performances every day. As we start the high season in Lombok, the weather is perfect
with warm sunny days, fresh sea breezes and cool nights. If you are in Bali, escape the
crowds and the heat with the gateway to Lombok. Spend the days dreaming by the pool or
stak out a patch on your own private beach. If you're looking for a challenge, now is the
best time to climb lombok's famous volcano, Mt Rinjani, or maybe learn to scuba dive on
one of the idyllic Gilis. Action and adventure, culture and tradition, rest and relaxation...
Lombok has at all!
With issue 16 of The Lombok Guide, our paper has grown to a massive 52 pages! To coincide
with our growth, we have also increased our print run from 1000 copies to 1500 copies every
two weeks...so many people are reading our paper, we couldn't keep up with supplies! Now
you can ppick up a copy of your favourite tourism guide at all important locations throughout
Lombok, as well as at Merpati check in counters in Bali, Dili and Kuala Lumpur, or on board
Gili Cat, or at selected locations around Bali.
Visit us on the web soon In Here!
and discover the magic of Lombok for yourself...like thousands of others, you'll be enhanted!
Festival of Colour and Sound
Every year the island of Lombok hosts an amazing cultural event known as the "Sengigi Festival",
although it could be named the "Lombok Festival", as rge Festival showcases the best of arts
and culture to be found on this fascinating island. This year the Festival will start at 3pm
on Saturday, 19 July, and will run for a full week with an art market daily and special cultural
performances held every evening. This is the one week in the year when you don't need to travel
to the various villages to see the best of the island's cuture; the culture come to you!
The event starts off with a formal opening ceremony held in the heart of Lombok's tourism center
of Senggigi, attended by government dignitaies and special guestt from around Indonesia. The
opening ceremony is perhaps the most exciting part of the Festival, with thousands of spectators
lining the main street of Indonesian melodies to the roucous Arabian-inspired tones of Kecimol,
the Festival has it all.
Historical re-enactments and dance theatre play a large part in the cultural reportoire of Lombok.
The parade of the legendary Princess Mandalika always draws admiring gasps from the crowd as the
beautiful maiden is carried on her chariot by elegantly dressed "princes". There will also be
solemn rituals drawing in the mystical traditions of ancient times. Intricate ceremony, ritual
tools and clouds of perfumed incense give a sense of the spiritual mysteries that from part of
the foundation of Lombok and the unique Wektu Telu religion.
The historical memory of Dutch colonisation is also re-enacted in various forms, particularly with
the amusing Rudat preformances. The soldiers in their army greens preform a hilarious pantomime,
deceptive in style, as their military precision in obviously the result of years of hard training.
The Festival this year will also feature preformances by special gueasts from East Java and Aceh
Province. Evening preformances in Senggigi Square will be presented by groups from Sumbawa and Bima,
as well as different provinces around Lombok.
The performances of the local tradition of "Peresean" (Stick figthing) provide exciting entertainment,
both during the parade and at their regular performances every afternoon at Senggigi Square during
Festival Week. In this unique competition, two muscled competitors pit their strength and wits againts
each other, using heavy sticks to strike at each other's bodies, using sheilds made from thoughened
cow hide to prevent the other from striking a blow. Contestants train for years to hone their skills,
often returning from fights with bruised bodies covered in red welts. It's genuine fight, accompanied
by much anthusiastic encouragement from the crowd. A referee is on hand to make sure things are kept
fair and don't get out of hand.
In addition to Peresean fights every afternoon, the Festival features different cultural preformances
each night, to be held in the Senggigi square between 8pm and 10pm. These performances are free to
the public. The performances will feature displays of traditional dance, music and theatre.
If you are interested in authentic cultural events, unlike any held in the other parts of Indonesia,
plan to in Senggigi from 19 July. The Senggigi festival is a wonderful display of the rich cultural
diversity of Lombok, with the unique blending of Balinese Hindu and local Lombok Sasak traditions
that make this island so fascinating.
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